Classy White Sweater Boudoir

Classy White Sweater Boudoir

You googled "Boudoir" and you're bombarded with images of women wearing lingerie during their sessions.

The bad news is… you aren't a fan of lingerie! But the good news is, that's really not bad news at all! It isn’t even a problem at all. What do we mean? Well let us explain…

There’s always a deeper meaning and purpose for Boudoir shoots, and it’s not just about wearing lingerie or “not wearing” lingerie in bedroom, but more about doing something really special for yourself.
You will not do Boudoir because it’s trending, or because you know someone that has theirs. You will do Boudoir because you want it for yourself, and you will do it because you want to feel more confident and boost your self-esteem - even if that means wearing your simple but favorite plain shirt.

If you're aiming for a casual look but still elegant and timeless, white is one of your go-to’s.

Check out these Brave Boss Babes slaying the white sweater look during their Boudoir sessions for inspiration:

  1. You can add a little extra to your white sweater by pairing it with gold accessories.

2. This white sweater look also looks good with pixie haircuts!

3. Throw in more whites like these thigh high leg warmers!

4. Aim for accents or a more creative shot.

5. Mix and match! Because white goes with everything and anything!

Want to have a "White Sweater Boudoir" Session of your own? 

Book a call with our studio now and let’s talk about it!

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