Modest Boudoir

Modest Boudoir

When you google the term "Boudoir", google gives you Boudoir’s dictionary meaning "a woman's bedroom or private room".

When you click on "images" after your google search, you will then see photos of women in private bedrooms wearing sexy clothes, giving sexy poses, and showing some skin.

You will even see "posing guides"!

You start telling yourself: "I definitely cannot do this, this is way out of my league..."

Don't stop right there, because unbeknownst to many,  that's not all that Boudoir has to offer.

The images that you see aren't the only way to do Boudoir!

There are A LOT of different ways to do it, and it's just that NOT all of them are so common that they'll end up being at the first page of your searches.

But we want you to know that all photoshoots, including the Boudoir ones, are always customized to the clients' comfort levels. 

And hey, if you’re thinking that you can’t be sexy if you don’t take inspiration from the images that you saw, being sexy's never just about showing too much skin! There are MANY different ways to be sexy, and one of them for sure's just having an oozing amount of confidence!

Take a look at the photos below to see how you can look sexy even if you want to keep that demure side of yours (yes, a Boudoir can be modest too!):

1. Wear your favorite dress and give your favorite modest pose!

2. A denim jacket never fails, plus a candid smile!

3. Silk floral robes!

4. Or keep it simple with this classic backside pose and your choice of outer layer clothes.

Dreaming of having a Modest Boudoir Session of your own?

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