What NOT to Bring to Your Boudoir Session

What NOT to Bring to Your Boudoir Session

So you have an upcoming Boudoir Shoot, or you're thinking of booking one…

But you have SOOO many questions.

"What should I wear?"

"How should I prepare?"

"What should I bring?"

"What type of poses should I do?"

Perfect, they're all normal concerns and if you haven't downloaded it yet... we have a free boudoir guide that can help you!

But do the concerns end there? Assuming you already know what to wear, prepare, and bring...

What about what NOT to bring?

"Okay,” you may think. “There are things that I SHOULDN’T bring? I mean aside from a rabid hyena?”

(Yeah. Definitely do not bring one of those.)

But YES. 

There are a few things you should leave home when it comes to a boudoir session - and we will tell you why! 

Are you ready for what you SHOULD NOT bring to your boudoir session with me? 


Let’s check it out.

1. Your Makeup

I know there are studios that do not provide professional makeovers as part of their boudoir session - but we are not that studio! We contract in highly skilled women to give you the look of your dreams and they come with fully equipped kits. 

So you can bring your makeup if you want to (like if you have a favorite foundation or allergy specific needs) but you DO NOT have to bring anything at all. Not even those false lashes. We have got you covered! 

Take a look at some of our Before and After photos.

2. Hair Styling Products

Just like your makeup, our hair and makeup team will come ready to go when it comes to your hair style. All we ask is that you come with dry, clean hair. From there - we can take it! 

Of course if you have a favorite oil or styling product that really brings out the best in your hair you can bring it - but please don’t feel like you have to!

3. A Guest

Now if you have ready my contract you may be wondering about this. Because it says that:

You are free to bring one female guest as long as they are over 18+ if you tell me beforehand.


I'm afraid we'll also have to ask and require them to leave the studio DURING the photoshoot part of you session. This is so YOU will be 100% the focus and you won’t feel pressured to perform.

Don’t worry! They can sit with you during hair and makeup and then come back for the viewing and ordering of the images, but during the photoshoot we want to set you up for success. This is the best way we know how! 

Plus we LOVE making sure that you are our sole focus during the shoot. It is how we make sure we can focus all of our energy on unlocking your sexy confidence. 

They can be there to hype you up and then come back to be in total AWE of the hotness of your photos. Your favorite person can be there to make sure that you feel comfortable getting ready and then can be there to ensure you have a support system while we do you big reveal.

Why do we do it this way?

Well…  we just LOOOOVE making you 100% the focus of the whole session.

Plus we want to make sure that you actually get the chance to be the sole focus of attention. As women, how often do we make space for others in places that should only be ours? 

… I bet your answer tells you exactly why we ask the photoshoot to be guest free.

Now those are three things you SHOULD NOT bring to you session PHYSICALLY, but let’s talk about something a little bit more whoo whoo. 

For some of you this may be too much and that is okay. 

But I want you to just take my (not literal) hand and follow me for a few brief paragraphs and entertain the question…


I told you it would be whoo whoo. 

Some of you are already entirely turned off. 

Some of you are closing the tab.

That is okay. 

Only the ones that are ready will keep reading. 

So are you ready?

Are you reading to hear about the things you heart should NOT bring to your boudoir session?

If your answer is YES - keep going.

If you answer is NO - I think you’re still reading because you actually are a ‘YES’.

So let me say first:

I am aware that we've been taught for years to criticize ourselves. We are brought up to be uncomfortable in our own skin. Being negative about our body is expected. 

That being said: 

None of that is allowed in our studio. 

WAIT WHAT? - you are asking.

I cannot come into your studio until I have so much confidence it is exploding out of my ears? 


No woman who has ever come into my studio has ever come in feeling completely at peace with herself and her body. That is normal! That is fine!

But here are the ways I don’t allow it to manifest in my space: 

  1. Believing that you are not good enough to have this session.

Brave Boss Babe - if you are in my space you are already enough. Even if you AREN’T in my space, you are enough. I know that is a big message to digest especially if you have had events or people in your life make you feel like that is not true - but I am here to tell you they are wrong! 

You ARE enough to have this session and it is time to start letting go of the negative thoughts that are holding you back.

2. Other’s Expectations 

Other people's expectations are not welcome in our studio, only YOU ARE. <3

You are you and we are so glad about that. Whatever external expectations you have from society, friends, family, loved ones, or partners - in our studio you only have to live up to your own expectations. No one else’s!

We welcome you just as you are. No pretense. When you come you may be a bit nervous, but we will be there every step of the way to make sure you 100% have a chance to shine just as you are.

You don’t have to bring what others want or expect of you into our space. In fact, why don’t you leave it at the door and let us help you discover your own expectations?

3. Excuses

Someone once told me that you can have excuses or you can have results. While there are limits to this idea - when it comes to boudoir the choice is really yours. There will always be three thousand reasons to not book, to not show up, to not give yourself the gift of confidence - and where do they all come from? EXCUSES!

And where do excuses start? Well, there are a lot of very smart people out there that can give you all the scientific reasons - but one of the big starting points is DOUBT.

You doubt that you could look good, have fun, or love any of your photos - so what do you do? You make excuses!

And what is the antidote to doubt? TRUST.

Look. I know you might have a negative mindset around your body. I know you don’t believe that you could ever look like the other women in my photos, but here’s the thing… YOU CAN! None of the women on my website are models. None of them have any experience in front of the camera being sensual, looking sexy, and yet they all look amazing.

Why? How?

Because they stopped making excuses and they trusted me! 

I am a highly trained professional with almost a decade of experience under my belt. A decade of experience that is devoted to making sure YOU are taken care of and look your best. If you show up at my studio you know I am going to make you look good!

But I have to tell you… if you're gonna be full of excuses, we're never going to be able to achieve the best results. Don’t get me wrong, the photos will be amazing, but your personal growth will be limited. 

Before your session, try to mentally prepare yourself by thinking of positive thoughts like how awesome it's gonna be, how it's going to end up real beautiful and amazing. Once you get here we will do everything in our power to make sure you can stay in that beautiful, positive mindset and keep those negativity away! 

So how do we help you do that?

How do we help you keep away those dark clouds of negativity?

Well, I’m glad you asked. 

It’s because when you come into our studio you can be positive that:


When you walk in the studio we are just so happy you are there. It doesn’t matter how prepared you are, what your hair or skin looks like, what the scale said that morning, or how confident you are in your outfits. All that matters is you are there and we are SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT!

WE ARE NOT looking for any specific type of body, skin color, size... none of these dictate who can be given our full queen treatment. Everyone is entitled to feel confident and empowered!

Be it physical mess, emotional mess, mental mess - that doesn’t bother us. We are just so glad you are here!

2. YOUR STORY MATTERS TO US (Because we love them!)

We do not just take your nice pictures and let you go.

WE LISTEN TO YOUR STORY! And not because we have to, but because we want to. One of the great joys of this being our job is that we get to walk along so many women for even just one day and help ease their load. We want to know what's behind that awesome smile, we want to know what's behind every expression you make! 

So don’t be ashamed of your story. Don’t feel like you have to hide. We never share what we aren’t given permission to share so your secrets are safe with us!


Oh believe me when I tell you, we will definitely do this!!! You will be SO SO SO pampered as your session comes with professional hair and makeup, wardrobe consultation, and everything being on the same day! 

Talk about being a QUEEN? Girl, that's gonna be YOU. :))

And we are so ready.

Are you?

Haven't booked your session yet? BOOK HERE NOW.

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