Remembering Her Feminine Side // Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

Remembering Her Feminine Side // Kansas City Boudoir Photographer

Imagine This:

You’re sitting in a chair while someone styles your hair in a way that you never could (and even if you knew how… who has the time?!).

Then a makeup artist is making you look like you… but flawless. With sexy eyes, perfect skin, and the best lip color imaginable.

Then the BEST photographer in Kansas City walks you through a purposeful mindset exercise that allows you to relax into exactly who you are for the first time in days, weeks, months. Then that same photographer guides you, step-by-step, on how to move, pose, when to smile, and where to look. You never once think about where your hands need to go or if your legs look good. You know they do because your photographer (me!) shows you the back of the camera and makes sure you love the images as we go.

And then you spend an hour hearing how beautiful you are, how radiant you look, and even you can’t believe your eyes!

After all of that awesomeness you sit down and view photo after photo and you start to think, “ok dang...what twilight zone is this because I LOOK HOT and these photos aren’t even edited yet!”

...and then you start to believe what other people have been saying about you for years.

That you’re gorgeous. And you finally start to believe it.

Doesn’t THAT sound like an incredible way to spend a couple hours of your time?

We take care of everyone else - the kids, our parents, the house, our pets… but who’s taking care of you?

We have to be our own biggest advocates.

That is something Brave Boss Babe Jessica learned when she came into our studio for her session.

As a professional woman who had moved to Kansas City from out of state she had to create her own support system from scratch. She found a lot of support at her local gym and in the culture there, but the sweaty, gritty culture only fulfilled part of her dynamic personality. She loved the physical challenge of the high weight reps and push up quotas, but she also wanted to feel like a woman. That can be hard to do when your hair is back in a messy bun and your face is bright red with sweat!

So Brave Boss Babe Jessica came my way.

We talked a lot about femininity and what it meant to be a woman and how the world doesn’t always respect when a female takes up a lot of space. We talked about the misconception of how women are often supposed to be only one thing (pretty or smart or strong or soft, but never more than one of those things at a time). We talked about how God has created us in His own image and that is something to be respected and revered but also how complicated that can be as women. It was such an illuminating conversation.

And that is what your session can be. Especially when that boudoir session is provided by a Certified Professional Boudoir Photographer and a member of the Association of International Boudoir Photographers AND was voted NUMBER ONE Photographer in all of Kansas City in The Pitch 2019.

Your experience can be soul-reviving. It can be your gateway to not only seeing yourself in an entirely different light but getting to talk about things that maybe you don’t have space to talk about in your day to day life. It can be a lovely way to connect with another woman in your community that genuinely cares about you. It can be life giving.

No matter what it is going to unlock your sexy confidence and remind you of the beauty you couldn’t see until we show it to you!

She also splurged on the luxury Angel Wing Upgrade for her session so she could live our her wildest dreams. What do you think about these awesome wings?

Check out what Brave Boss Babe Jessica had to say about her session:

I had my shoot this morning and it’s was beyond amazing!! From the second I stepped in Leah’s studio I felt so comfortable and welcomed! Hair, makeup, outfit selection every second was about making me feel comfortable in the body God gave me! We as women all can find something we don’t like, but Leah helped to make me see beautiful I never knew I had!!! Loved, loved, loved this experience!! Thanks Leah!! Your a freakin rockstar!!

We loved having BBBabe Jessica in our studio. Want to be the next amazing story on my blog? Schedule a consult call with the studio and tell us that Jessica sent you!

[ All images shared with signed permission from the woman featured in them. Any image you see on my blog and/or website are always shared with signed permission. Any images that are desired to be kept private will be kept private! ]

Kansas City Boudoir Photography, LGEmerick, Brave Boss Babe
Kansas City Boudoir Photography, LGEmerick, Brave Boss Babe
Kansas City Boudoir Photography, LGEmerick, Brave Boss Babe
Kansas City Boudoir Photography, LGEmerick, Brave Boss Babe
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